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Modified on 2010/02/07 16:27 by jeff12_w Categorized as Program

1. Program Areas

  1. Brownsea Island (BSI)
  2. Handicraft
  3. Outdoor Adventure
  4. Nature
  5. Shooting Sports
  6. Waterfront
  7. Other Programs

2. Chief Logan Reservation Summer Camp

When planning your summer camp program, please keep in mind that Chief Logan Reservation operates an open and flexible program. This means we have almost no scheduling of merit badges. Program areas are open from 9-12 in the morning, 1:30-5:30 in the afternoon, and 7-9 Monday and Thursday evenings. A Scout may stop by most areas anytime during these hours and work on any award or activity. The rare exceptions to this normally occur because safety concerns necessitate that swimming or shooting alternate with merit badge booklet instruction. You will be given those schedules Sunday evening. The open program lets scouts and leaders create their own schedule to best accomplish their personal and troop goals. The flexibility is designed to accommodate your schedules, you don’t have to accommodate ours.

In accordance with the aims of the Boy Scouts of America, Chief Logan encourages youth to develop their leadership skills. The senior patrol leaders are expected to take an important role in setting up and tearing down the campsite. The SPL council even plans and executes the entire Wednesday night program with the help of the commissioners. Summer camp is a wonderful environment for youth to improve leadership skills or to develop them, turning to adult leaders for important guidance.

A first-year camper program insures that new Scouts take advantage of the open program and achieve their first badges of rank during their week at camp. It is designed and run by the commissioner staff and offers incentives to complete the requirements for Tenderfoot, Second Class, and First Class. One of the most popular areas of camp, Brownsea Island, offers a complete Scoutcraft program but is especially designed for first year Scouts. Their Totin’ Chip, Firem’n Chit, Knot Clubs, and other specially designed instant recognition awards encourage these scouts to learn traditional Scout skills and work on rank advancement.

Chief Logan Reservation also offers special programs for older Scouts. A completely revamped High Adventure area with a new repelling and climbing tower and COPE activities will challenge them personally and as a part of a patrol. The Frontiersman program also gives experienced campers an opportunity to enhance their outdoor skills and learn about the history of the region. After honing their abilities in each of the camp’s program areas, participants take part in the Thursday night "Rendezvous." Further into the wilderness, this night of outpost camping focuses on each scout’s honor as well as his survival skills and serves as a high point for the camp’s Frontiersmen. The program also blends very well with the regular camp program and requires that the Scouts involved work on rank advancement.

Each evening is special at Chief Logan. Campfires range from serious or hilarious productions put on by the whole staff in our Council Ring to intimate storytelling sessions or sing alongs with a few friends. Tuesday night is Troop Night when troops are encouraged to spend time together. Wednesday night is Parent’s Night when Scout Troops perform skits and the Order of the Arrow holds its calling out ceremony. On Friday, we celebrate the week with a special meal and a campwide competition. The week ends with an unforgettable closing program, familiar to all those who have attended Chief Logan.

2.1 Program Opportunities

The Open and Flexible Schedule, the Heart of the CLR Program

In 1978, CLR began what would become the central feature of the camp’s program: open and flexible scheduling. At its heart is the idea that the camp and the camp staff exist to serve each troop’s needs. The program accommodates every Scout, from the one that wants to relax to the one that wants to earn ten merit badges. There is no schedule of merit badges, although frequent special programs take place at specific times. During program hours, a Scout may go to an area at any time and work on any merit badge. No Scout is turned away because he arrived at the wrong time or because a merit badge session is "full." In addition, an experienced Commissioner Staff is there to meet the needs of the Troop at all levels, from first-year campers to adult leaders. With the open and flexible program, CLR fits the Troop’s schedule, the Troop does not have to fit ours.

In general, aquatics, the rifle range and the archery range dedicate the morning to advancement and the afternoon to open activities. If Scouts are interested finishing the merit badges in these program areas, it is to their advantage to go to them Monday morning and begin work. Those who wish to complete Environmental Science should go to the Nature area Monday since this badge requires four days of observation. Astronomy may also begin as early as Sunday night depending on the weather conditions. You will be given a schedule of special activities at the Sunday evening leader’s meeting, but please also pay attention to any messages regarding an early start to these activities.

2.2 Staff Guides and Camp Commissioners

When you enter the camp on Sunday, you will be greeted by your Staff Guide. This Scout and your Camp Commissioners are your best resource during your week at camp. The Staff Guide will assist with setting up and tearing down your campsite, and both will visit your Troop throughout the week. They are also both an excellent source of information. Please feel free to ask them any questions you may have about the camp and its operation. They can assist you at getting the most out of your summer camp experience. The Camp Commissioners and Staff Guide can provide guidance, assistance, training and counseling to the youth and adult leaders of your Troop. Although both may counsel merit badges, their objective is to help your Troop, patrols, and Scouts to achieve the goals that you and the Scouts have planned for camp.

Your week at camp is an excellent opportunity for your Scouts to advance in rank. The outdoor setting, the availability of trained merit badge counselors and the encouragement provided by the Staff and the Troop leadership make advancement easy. Scouts should be able to learn the material, be tested and reviewed on it, and be RECOGNIZED, all at summer camp. Our adult staff would be happy to assist you in conducting a Board of Review. Please contact the Commissioner staff if you would like any help with your Troop’s advancement needs.

2.3 CLR Merit Badge Procedures

  1. With the help of the adult and youth leadership, each Scout develops a plan to make his week of summer camp as productive as possible.
  2. At camp, the Camp Commissioners have a supply of merit badge cards available for adult leaders. These forms are also available at the camp office in the O.B. Mason Center.
  3. The Scout receives approval for pursuing a merit badge from the Scoutmaster or designated adult leader and obtains a signed merit badge card for that specific badge.
  4. The Scout then visits the appropriate program area whenever it fits into his schedule, prepared to complete the badge requirements. If additional counseling is required, the Scout is referred to the appropriate resource.
  5. After completing merit badge work, the counselor fills out the merit badge form and returns it to the Scout. The Scout is then expected to turn the form over to the advancement chairman or Scoutmaster of the Troop. Should requirements be only partially satisfied, the partial form will be filled out and returned to the Scout.
  6. If there are any questions about a Scout’s advancement, the Commissioners can be contacted during the summer. After the summer is over, the advancement records for the camp will be kept on file at the Council Office for one year.

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