Staff Week Theme:
Camp Song:
"Home Beef Stew" lead by
Unknown-Help us fill in the details
Marathon Relay:
New Programs Introduced
Year Summary
The first time the camp was extended to six weeks of scout camp with the LDS (Latter Day Saints) encampment. This last week was arranged through Ralph Poetker.
Dates of operation
Staff Week:
Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
Week 4:
Week 5:
Week 6: LDS Encampment
Staff Roster
Camp Director:
Jeff Wyckoff
Program Director & Asst Camp Director:
Bill McKell
Operations Director:
Dave Clark
Business Manager:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Chris Prater
Camp Ranger:
Tom BarnitzProgram Areas
Brownsea Island (BSI) Director:
Todd Spencer
High Adventure Director:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Nature Director:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Waterfront Director:
Dave Maggio
Shooting Sports/
Rifle Range Director:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Shooting Sports/
Archery Director:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Handicraft Director:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Unknown-Edit page to help
Unknown-Edit page to help
Unknown-Edit page to help
Tom Whitton?
Webelos Coordinator:
Alan Cook
Provisional Scoutmaster:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Brigade Commander:
Todd Spencer
Wilderness Trek:
Val Hoy
Wilderness Trek Assistant:
Mike Malko
Training Coordinator:
Tim Allwein?
International Scout:
Armando (Mexico)Operations
Emergency Services Director/First Aider:
Alan Cook
Camp Clerk:
Jeff McManusTrading Post Manager:
Tim Parker
Trading Post_Asst/
Jeff Spetnagel?
Food Services Food Services Director:
Scott Zinn
Food Services Cook:
Scott Zinn
Food Services Asst Cook:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Dining Hall Steward:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Dining Hall Staff:
Unknown-Edit page to help
Dining Hall Staff:
Unknown-Edit page to helpChaplain:
Tim Allwein?
Staff who worked (but position unknown at this time)
Stories or Memories
Due to religious restrictions, the LDS troops coming to week 6 moved in on Saturday instead of Sunday. The typical Sunday night schedule was pushed back to Saturday and the staff began check in after lunch. The staff was released Saturday after the campfire and returned Sunday evening by 10pm. The LDS troops left in camp held religious activities during the day on Sunday while the staff was on their 24 hour leave. While the staff was absent, a few acts of vandalism (pioneering projects at BSI damaged and all the caps removed from the bottles in the pull-out SKI machine in front of the Trading Post) caused much concern when the staff returned. A staff meeting was held on Sunday night and the staff was reminded that despite the few incidents that they needed to present their best on Monday morning.