Songbook: 2007: Lilly the Pink

Modified on 2008/10/08 17:11 by stweedle — Categorized as: History

Lilly the Pink 2007 Camp Song


So Drink a Drink a Drink To Lilly the Pink the Pink the Pink The savior of, savior of, the Human Race She invented medicinal compound Most applicatious in every way

Here’s a Story A little bit gory A little bit happy A little bit sa-ha-had About a lady, and medicinal compounds And the adventures that they had


Well Johnny Paulie was a little bit smallie He was only two foot four-or-hore Then they gave him medicinal compound And now he can’t fit through the door


Billy Hammer had a bit of a Sssstammer He could hardly speak a wo-herd Then they gave him medicinal compound Now he’s seen but never heard


Ebenezer, he thought he was Caesar So they put him in a Ho-ome Then they gave him medicinal compound Now he’s Emperor of Rome


Lilly Died and went to Heaven And the church bells they did Rr-ing, DING! She took with her medicinal compound Hark the Herald Angels Sing!