SONS OF THE SEA 2000 Camp Song Introduced and Led by Brian "Radar" Dalton, Mark Hamilton, and Scott LathamChorus: Sons of the Seas Boppin up and down like this, Sailing the Oceans boppin up and down like this, Well you can sail a ship my Friend Boppin up and down like this, but you can beat the bulls in the bulldog pin, Boppin up and down like this.Verses: Each verse gets added to the previous one Bobbin up and down like this , Climbing up the mast Swabbin up the Deck Hitch'n up yer pants Ex. Sons of the Seas "Climbing up the mast, bobbin up and down like this....... Next verse ex. Sons of the seas"Swabbin up the Deck, Climbing up the mast, Bobbin up and down like this....... Try to get it in one breath if possible (lots of energy required).Gigalow 2000 Camp Fire Cheer Introduced and Led by Brian "Radar" Dalton, Mark Hamilton, and Scott Latham Leader yells: "Hey STaff," Staff yells back: "Hey What!" Leader repeats Yell louder, staff repeats answer back louder Leader Yells: "What Time is it?" IN UNISON "It's Time to do the GIGALOW" Semi fast: "you put your hands up High your feet down, low and thats the way you gigalow." gigalow gig gig -a-low giga low gig gig-a-low gigalow gig gig-a-low Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!